Why We Are Tempted to Give Advice “Advice comforts the giver more than the receiver.” As humans, one of the most common communication temptations we cave to is advice giving. When someone we care about comes to us with a struggle, we immediately scavenge for solutions and as soon as possible, we offer unsolicited
advice. …
Category: Relationships
Relationships are rich sources of support, but they don’t come with a manual. There are certain ideas and guidance that can assist you in securing and maintaining a healthy connection.
Ways Rejection Plays With Your Mind and Relationships
What is Rejection Sensitivity? We have an intrinsic need to belong, to be accepted. And when the approval we seek is shunned, we flail. Bottom line? Rejection is agonizing! It tricks us into questioning our abilities, our likeableness, our worth. It even affects us physically by slowing down our heart rate when we experience its…
Judgment and Gossip Have No Place in Healthy Friendships
Why might some friends be so quick to judge others? to judge you? It’s possible that they have developed a sort of critical reflex to process the world around them, after being conditioned to pass judgment on anything and everything that comes their way. Especially when it’s difficult for them to relate or understand the…